Surgical Cosmetic Procedures


Surgery Time

Surgery Time

2 – 5 Hours


General Anesthesia
Hospital Stay

Hospital Stay

2 Days
Recovery Time

Recovery Time

6 Weeks


6 Weeks
Time Of Work

Time Of Work

2 Weeks


2 Weeks
Compression Garments

Compression Garments

6 Weeks




Why Does Your Abdomen Get Fat and Sagging?

Weight gain is not always seen as the same amount of fat in all parts of the body. The body usually stores most of the adipose tissue in the abdomen and waist regions. For this reason, especially in women, the most important complaints are related to sagging and lubricated abdominal areas. Loosening, sagging and cracks in the abdomen may also occur in people who have lost excess weight due to diets or obesity surgery.

In the lubricated abdomen, tears occur in the tissues between the abdominal muscles. Due to these tears, the muscles that keep the abdomen flat begin to separate from each other. With the pressure exerted by the internal organs, the abdominal region takes a convex shape outward, loosening, sagging and cracks occur in the decare due to the own weight of the fat tissue. It is also often impossible to eliminate ruptures in the abdominal muscles and deformations of the abdominal skin with exercise and diet.




How is Abdominoplasty Performed?

In tummy tuck surgery, a transverse incision is usually made in the lowest part of the abdomen (this incision is low enough to be hidden under a swimsuit) and another incision is made around the belly button.

In mini tummy tuck surgery, these incisions are slightly shorter. In fact, sometimes an incision may not be made around the belly button.


After these incisions are made, the skin is separated from the muscles from the groin to the lower chest. The resulting abdominal muscles are strengthened by the stretching method, and if there is weakness, it is repaired. The skin is then stretched and stitched into place. Excess skin is cut and removed. Stitches are closed with dressing.






Who Can Have Abdominoplasty?

A full tummy tuck is usually applied to people who have given birth or gained and lost excess weight. If there is excess skin above the navel of the patient and if there is a layer under the navel that he can hold with his hand when sitting, he is a suitable patient candidate for a full tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck is performed if the excess skin and fat are only collected under the belly button.







Pre-Surgery Considerations

Before the operation, the patient should inform the surgeon and anesthesiologist who will perform the aesthetic operation, all the details about the drugs used and the general health status. One week before the operation, the use of blood thinners, herbal teas, fish oils should be stopped, and special herbal cure applications should not be made. As in all operations, it is recommended to stop smoking and alcohol consumption at least one week before the tummy tuck operation. This is very important for the healing process to go faster.


Postoperative Considerations and Recovery Process

The patient is dressed in an abdominal corset after the surgery. This corset should be used for at least 3 weeks. One week after the operation, the patient can return to his daily life. It is recommended not to lift heavy objects for the first 4-6 weeks. After 3 weeks, sports can be started except for abdominal movements. After 6 weeks, all sports activities are free.








Is Tummy Tuck A Painful Operation?

Abdominoplasty operations are generally not very painful procedures. Thanks to the anesthetics used during the operation, the patient does not feel pain after the operation. The next day, a slight pain sensation occurs, but these pains can be relieved with mild painkillers.

How Long Does Abdominoplasty Take?

A full tummy tuck takes about 2-5 hours, and a partial tummy tuck takes about 1-3 hours.


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