
Athlete Health & Sports Injuries Treatment

Athlete Health & Sports Injuries Treatment


Sports injuries can be caused by personal reasons such as weak muscle and bone structure, chronic diseases. Physical causes such as breaking sports rules or starting sports without training can also cause injury. Athlete injuries are divided into acute and chronic. An injury that occurs suddenly, such as a sprained ankle, is known as an acute injury.

Chronic injuries, on the other hand, occur due to overuse of muscle groups or joints. Poor technique and structural abnormalities can contribute to the development of chronic injuries. Our orthopedic doctors will examine the post-injury findings and determine the right treatment method in a short time.


What Are Sports Injuries?
Different symptoms and complications can occur in sports injuries. Mild injuries can be treated using physical therapy or bandaging techniques. In serious athlete injuries, the following situations can be seen;

  • Joint dislocations
  • Bone fracture
  • Meniscus
  • Cruciate ligament tear
  • Ankle sprains
  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Achilles tendon rupture

In such injuries, it is important to eliminate the problem with first aid and then definitive treatment. Neglected injuries can lead to more serious consequences.


When should a doctor be consulted?
Most sports injuries cause immediate pain or discomfort to the person. A doctor should be consulted in cases such as severe pain and swelling, deformations on the skin, noise when using the joint, and inability to put weight on the joint. Also, difficulty in breathing, dizziness and fever can be symptoms of different problems. These symptoms should not be ignored. Serious sports injuries may require surgical methods.

Since a child's skeleton is not fully developed, his bones are weaker than that of an adult. For this reason, extra precautions should be taken in children's sports injuries. What appears to be a minor injury can actually be a serious fracture.


Sports Injuries Treatment
The treatment of sports injuries depends on the type and severity of the injury. Physical therapy, bandaging, infection, etc. If a situation has occurred, drug use and surgical operations can be applied. After the definitive diagnosis of the disease is made with diagnostic methods such as X-ray, MRI, arthroscopy, treatment is started.

During the treatment process, painkillers can be given to relieve the patient's pain. Painkillers should be used in a way that does not exceed the amount recommended by the doctor. After physical therapy, remedial exercise practices can be continued at home. Physical health should be brought back to normal before returning to sports.

The Process of Returning to Sports
Returning to sports after injury is up to the doctor's or physical therapist's evaluation. Physiotherapy can help rehabilitate the injured area and may include exercises to increase strength and flexibility and restore mobility.

Returning to sports before the injury has healed properly will only cause further damage and delay recovery. The biggest risk factor for soft tissue injury is previous injuries. During the recovery period, sports can be continued by choosing exercise forms that do not affect the injured part of the body.


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