Obesity Surgery

Temporary Stomach Inhibitor Injection

Temporary Stomach Inhibitor Injection
Surgery Time

Surgery Time

15 Minute


Hospital Stay

Hospital Stay

Not Necessary
Recovery Time

Recovery Time

2 Days


2 Days
Time Of Work

Time Of Work

2 Days


2 Days
Compression Garments

Compression Garments

Not Necessary

Temporary Stomach Inhibitor Injection is a nonsurgical method, especially recommended for people who have small amount of excess weight. Injection, temporarily slows down stomach nerves and muscles as wel as ghrelin hormone production (which causes hunger feeling) for 4 to 6 months, reducing appetite and keeping nutrients in the stomach for longer. Injection use is rapidly expanding to the treatment of obesity in recent years.

How Does Temporary Stomach Inhibitor Injection Applied?

The inhibitor is injected in between the stomach muscles and nerves endoscopically. Procedure takes aroung 15-20 minutes and patient remains under sedation for the duration. Sedation wears off in a couple of hour and patient can resume their daily life right away. Inhibitors effect kicks in after a couple days. The passage of food in the stomach to the small intestine slows down and the person feels full for a longer time. Patients also consume less food.

A study shows that after one year (during which the patients received two injections), 70 percent of the patients had lost weight; on average, they lost 17 percent of their excess body weight. After 18 months, when the patients had received three injections, 75 percent of the patients had lost weight; they lost 28 percent of their excess body weight, on average.

It has been observed that ghrelin hormone secretion and hunger sensation are decreased in some patients. The procedure may rarely have side effects such as circulatory disorders in the stomach wall. The effect can vary from one person to another. Although more studies are required, stomach inhibitor injection, may work in people who cannot go under the surgery.

The procedure is performed by endoscopic method and the patient is sedated under conscious sedation so that she does not feel pain.


  Requirements for Temporary Stomach Inhibitor Injection Application

  •It is a method which aims to lose 10 - 15 kg in 3 - 6 month period of time.

  •BMI should be between 27.5 - 40.

  •It should be combined with diet and exercise programs.

  •Not suitable for morbidly obese patients.

  •It is not an alternative of surgical operation.

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