Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

Arm Lift

Arm Lift
Surgery Time

Surgery Time

1.5 – 2 Hours


General Anesthesia – Local Anesthesia
Hospital Stay

Hospital Stay

1 Day
Recovery Time

Recovery Time

6 Weeks


6 Weeks
Time Of Work

Time Of Work

2 Weeks


2 Weeks
Compression Garments

Compression Garments

6 Weeks



 Why is Arm Lift done?

Loose and sagging arm skin is one of the sources of unhappiness. This problem is especially noticeable in sleeveless garments. When the arms are raised to both sides, a bat-wing-like droop appears at the bottom. Thanks to plastic surgery, it is possible to get rid of this uncomfortable situation both physically and emotionally.


Why Does Arm Skin Sagging?

With the effect of aging, genetic structure, excessive weight gain, exposure to the sun and gravity, sagging occurs in the arm area.

The sagging of the back and inner parts of the arm, which has looser skin and subcutaneous tissue, is mostly caused by fat accumulation and skin sagging.




How Is Arm Lift Performed?

The arm is shaped by removing excess skin with incisions made from the armpit or inside the elbow. If there is excess fat, it is removed by liposuction or directly by incisions. Aesthetic sutures are applied at the incision sites.






Who Can Have Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift surgery can be performed on people with unwanted fat accumulation in the arm area and sagging skin.

Pre-Surgery Considerations

Smoking and alcohol should not be used for at least one week before the operation, and blood thinners should be interrupted. If you develop any infectious condition, you must inform your doctor before the operation







After Arm Lift

Post-surgery considerations:

A special arm corset should be worn for at least three weeks. Compelling arm movements should be restricted for several weeks. Otherwise, some damage to the seams may occur. Smoking should not be used for a healthy and fast recovery process.

Healing Process

If the surgery was performed with local anesthesia, you can be discharged on the same day. It is safer to stay in the hospital for 1 night in operations where general anesthesia is applied.

In the first days, elastic bands are used on the arms. You can take a shower 2 days after the surgery. After 5-6 days, you can return to daily activities. You can start doing sports after 1-1.5 months. A special arm corset is used for approximately 1 month. Since hidden and aesthetic sutures are applied, they do not need to be removed.




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