



Echocardiography is the name given to the examination and evaluation of the internal structure and functions of the heart through sound waves. Echocardiography is also known as cardiac ultrasound. In echocardiography, a device that transmits sound waves to the heart, a device that records images and measures and has a screen is used.



In which diseases is echocardiography used?
Diagnosis of all structural diseases of the heart (heart enlargement, heart muscle diseases, heart valve diseases, hypertensive heart diseases, heart failures, pericardial diseases, intracardiac masses, clots, heart tumors, congenital heart abnormalities, even the largest vessel in the body called the aorta. diseases) are determined by echocardiography. It is also used for future routine controls of patients undergoing cardiac surgery.

How is echocardiography performed?
In echocardiography, the patient is first placed on the left side and the transducer, on which gel is applied on the patient's thorax, is circulated in the heart region. X-ray is not used in the procedure. Echocardiography is an ultrasound technology. It is a painless examination and does not cause any side effects in patients. All heart-related data can be seen on the screen of the echocardiography device. All results are evaluated by the cardiologist who also performed the examination.

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