Cosmetic Procedures

Gum Aesthetics

Gum Aesthetics
Surgery Time

Surgery Time

15-20 minute


Local Anesthesia
Hospital Stay

Hospital Stay

2 Hours





How to Treat Gum Smile with Gummy Smile Botox?

A gingival smile can be treated with a gingival cut like a laser or with botox. Since the gums are cut in laser treatment, it is a more painful and painful process than botox application, and this process also requires a surgical procedure. However, gummy smile botox application is a more practical and quick method that takes a shorter time and solves this problem without pain and suffering.





How is Gummy Smile Botox Done?

Gummy smile botox is a procedure applied to the distance between the nose and the upper lip. First of all, our aim is to determine the points where the laughing muscle works more than normal and to reduce these hypertrophied muscles with botulinum toxin injection. Our patients who consider this procedure are examined by our physicians, and the procedure is performed according to their suitability.

For the procedure, first the distance between the nose and the upper lip is cleaned with special cleaners, then anesthetic cream is applied to prevent pain and pain in the area.

After the numbness occurs, the areas to be injected are determined and certain markings are made.

With the help of very fine-tipped needles called ghost needles, the required amount of botulinum toxin, namely botox, is injected under the skin.

The procedure ends in an average of 10 minutes and our patients continue their daily lives from where they left off.






What Should We Consider Before Getting Gummy Smile Botox?

Before having Gummy smile botox, you should inform your physicians if you are using a regular medication, if you have a pregnancy risk, or if you have any disease. If the drugs you use are blood thinners, muscle relaxants, antibiotics, etc., you should take a break from these drugs 1 week before the procedure, with the knowledge of your doctor.








What Should We Pay Attention To After Gummy Smile Botox?

After the Gummy smile botox application, the things you should pay attention to;

The first 4-5 hours after the Gummy smile application should not touch the water. You should not use cosmetic products for the first 4-5 hours. Massage should not be done on the area where botox is applied for the first week. For the first week, you should avoid activities such as hammam, sauna, very steamy bath, heavy exercise.

When is the Effect of Gummy Smile Botox Seen?

After the Botox application, the effect of the procedure is not seen immediately. Don't be fooled by this situation, botulinum toxin starts to work on the 3rd or 4th day, that is, the effect of the procedure begins to be seen within the first 3-4 days, and the full effect occurs on the 15th day.





How Long Does the Effect of Gum Smile Botox Last?

The effect of botox continues for 4 months. As of the 4th month, the botulinum toxin begins to deteriorate and in the 6th month, our body completely dissolves the botulinum toxin.

Is Gummy Smile Botox a Painful Procedure?

Before the Botox application, the area is anesthetized with a numbing cream. During the procedure, ice is applied and the area is frozen and very fine-tipped needles are used, so you do not feel pain and pain.


Can I Have Gummy Smile Botox Again for Gum Treatment?

There is no harm in having Botox re-done, and in repetitive applications, the use of gummy smile botox is prolonged and it turns into an advantage for you.

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