Genital Aesthetics

Vaginal Enlargement

Vaginal Enlargement
Surgery Time

Surgery Time

1 - 2 Hours


General Anesthesia – Local Anesthesia
Hospital Stay

Hospital Stay

1 Day
Recovery Time

Recovery Time

2 Weeks
Time Of Work

Time Of Work

1 Weeks


Vaginal enlargement surgery has recently become one of the more frequently performed genital aesthetic operations. Women may experience many different problems due to the fact that the vagina area has a narrower structure than ideal. Surgical intervention comes into play to eliminate these problems.

Thanks to this operation, especially the fact that the comfort of sexual life can be restored, brings more and more women to benefit from this procedure. Although the narrowness of the vagina is perceived as not causing a problem, it can cause many different problems, from painful sexual intercourse to sexual reluctance.

Of course, this can cause problems between spouses as well. However, with this surgery, you can have a much more comfortable sexual life.



First of all, in order to perform vaginal enlargement surgery, it is expected that the patient should not have a health problem that prevents the surgery. Because although it is perceived as a simple procedure, this operation performed to expand the vagina is an operation. At the same time, those who are pregnant and breastfeeding should wait for the completion of the breastfeeding period for the operation in question.

Women may experience pain, burning and stinging sensations during sexual intercourse due to the narrow vagina. In such cases, the patient should first be examined by a gynecologist and obstetrician. If the source of the problem is vaginal stenosis, surgical intervention is planned. All planning, such as the extent to which the vagina will be widened, is carried out by your doctor before the surgery.

What are the Causes of Vaginal Stenosis?
Vaginal stenosis can be caused by many different reasons. First of all, it should be noted that this problem in women can also be congenital. However, this stenosis is not noticed by the woman until the first sexual intercourse, and the situation is understood when she consults a doctor because of the complaints experienced during sexual intercourse. Vaginal enlargement surgery can also be performed in case of congenital vaginal stenosis as a structural problem.


It should be noted that previous surgeries involving various interventions in the vaginal area can also cause the aforementioned problem. In particular, the fact that these surgeries are not planned correctly or performed incorrectly can unfortunately lead to such a result. Because after the operation, recovery may not be as desired. It should be noted that vaginal tightening surgery is decisive at this point. Improper vaginoplasty may reveal a narrower vagina than desired.

Episiotomy incisions applied during vaginal deliveries and stitches applied afterward may also be related to this problem. Because sometimes the healing of the incisions is not as desired and this can cause the vagina area to become narrower. At this point, we can state that the factor that causes vaginal stenosis is scar tissue.

Mostly, women lose their former sexual intercourse comfort due to vaginal stenosis after normal delivery. After sharing his complaints with his doctor, it can be noticed that there are problems in tissue healing after episiotomy. The septum, popularly known as the 'vaginal curtain' tissue, can also narrow the vagina. This narrowing is not the same in every woman, but in some women it can cause complaints of painful sexual intercourse. Of course, in such cases, surgical operation can be performed and the problems experienced by women can be brought to an end.

Depending on various reasons, women may need to remove the uterus, that is, to be evacuated from the body. In such cases, hysterectomy surgery is sometimes performed with the technique of vaginal removal of the uterus. Although not all women, hysterectomy surgery performed with this technique can cause vaginal stenosis in some women. The important thing is that regardless of the reason, the vagina can be given a wider form with surgery.



How is Vagina Enlargement Surgery Performed?
Before the operation, the patient is definitely examined and some tests must be done. Afterwards, vaginal enlargement surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. With the effect of anesthesia, it is not possible for the patient to feel pain or pain in any way. There may be a slight pain after the operation, but your doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotics and painkillers.

The duration of the operation is not the same for every patient, but we can usually state that this time can vary between 20 minutes and 30 minutes. This period, which can take up to 40 minutes with the preparation stages, may take up to 1 hour for some patients. Because your doctor will inform you about an estimated time before the surgery.

If there is no problem after the surgery, you do not need to rest in the clinical environment. After resting at home for a few days, you can return to your work life or daily life. However, you should abstain from sexual intercourse until full recovery is achieved. During this period, it is very important to stay away from the sea, pool, sauna and hammam in order to reduce the risk of infection.

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