Ear Nose Throat

Voice Surgery

Voice Surgery
Surgery Time

Surgery Time

1 – 3 Hours


General Anesthesia
Hospital Stay

Hospital Stay

1 Day
Recovery Time

Recovery Time

3 Weeks


3 Weeks
Time Of Work

Time Of Work

1 Week


1 Week
Compression Garments

Compression Garments



Hoarseness due to a simple virus infectionsuch as cancer formation in the vocal cord. It can also be a sign of a very serious problem. In particular, hoarseness exceeding 2 weeks should be taken into account.

  • Vocal cord subscriber
  • Vocal cord nodule
  • Vocal cord polyp
  • Vocal cord cyst
  • Reinke's edema of the vocal cord
  • Cancer of the vocal cord
  • Vocal cord paralysis

Vocal cord nodule due to vocal abuse thickening on the vocal cord is the name. Thyroid gland due to name similarity mixes with the nodule. There is no connection between the two.



Who gets a vocal cord nodule?
Loud, long-speaking and using inappropriate speech technique common in humans. Teachers, singers the risk of occurrence is high. Also very loud. Vocal cord nodules are also common in children.What does the vocal cord nodule look like?

Symmetrical in the middle part of the vocal cords (both voicesswelling or mass is seen in the wire. EarlyNodules from the period are soft and edematous. Timethey get tougher.

How is a vocal cord nodule treated?
First of all, the use of sound should be restricted. Also, if the mistakes in the use of sound are corrected. The nodule may disappear over a period of time. these months. It is an achievable process. For this purpose, voice therapy
applicable. Surgery is recommended for large and hard nodules. Operation with voice surgery using a microscope. Nodules are removed without damaging the vocal cord.




What is vocal cord polyp?
Swelling and mass in one of the vocal cords available. Sometimes after bleeding into the vocal cord occurs. Depending on the area it is placed, mild or cause intense hoarseness. Treatment surgical removal of the polyp with the aid of a microscope. is to be removed.


What is a vocal cord cyst?

Small moisturizing glands in the vocal cord area fluid-filled structure called cystoccurs. Hoarseness is the main complaint. sometimes congenital sometimes it can develop due to bad use of voice. Sound settles on one of its wires. As the size increases, the sound  throws the hoarseness. removed by microscopic surgery is treated.



What are the vocal cord diseases related to smoking?

Sound exposed to cigarette smoke for a long time some changes occur in the wires. Reinke's edema: In the vocal cord due to smoking gelatinous substance accumulates. The sound thickens. This
female voice depending on the male voice on the phone can be assumed. Edema in the vocal cord in treatment removal of tissue by microscopic surgery must. However, surgery alone is not enough. Definitely need to quit smoking. Surgical 6 to 8 months after quitting smoking the sound returns to normal.

Color change in vocal cord: voice due to smoking.A white or redlesion may occur in the wire. First of all, it causes hoarseness. vocal cord inspection. When applied, a white or red lesion is seen. This lesions must be treated with microscopic surgery. must be removed. These lesions are often cancerous. pre- or early-stage cancer is the harbinger. Removal of this lesion and smoking. Complete cure is usually achieved with its discontinuation. If pathological examination of the removed lesion If cancer is detected as a result, additional Surgery or radiotherapy may be required.





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