Genital Aesthetics


Surgery Time

Surgery Time

1 - 2 Hours


General Anesthesia – Local Anesthesia
Hospital Stay

Hospital Stay

Daily or 1 Day
Recovery Time

Recovery Time

3 Weeks


One of the most common aesthetic problems in the female body is the size and sagging of the outer lips in the genital area. External lip aesthetics in the genital area, also known as vulvoplasty, is one of the problems encountered in women, especially after childbirth.

The outer lips may be larger than normal, long, asymmetrical or drooping not only congenitally but also structurally. The outer lips play an important role in the aesthetic appearance of the genital area. In cases where the outer lips are drooping, women do not feel safe and are hesitant to wear bikinis and swimsuits in summer. Women with a genital structure that hangs from thin fabrics and overflows compare themselves to their peers and are unhappy with this situation. The sagging of the outer lips in the genital area also affects sexual intercourse. Deformities and volume changes in this area can be corrected with Vulvoplasty surgery. Thanks to this aesthetic, which can be completed without leaving any scars, women can continue their lives safely.



How is vulvoplasty surgery performed?
Vulvoplasty surgery is a very practical operation. The techniques of this surgery may vary depending on the person's complaint on the outer lips.

In vulvoplasty surgery, if the patient complains of thick and large outer lips, the outer lips of the patient are made smaller and tighter with liposuction. The drooping outer lips are collected to create a younger genital area. If excessive fullness and sagging are seen, some of the edges are cut and thrown out of the body. If surgery is planned only around the outer lips, local anesthesia is preferred. If different surgeries are to be combined with vulvoplasty, general anesthesia will be more appropriate.




If the outer lips of the person in the genital area are weak, age-related shrinkage, thinning and sagging of the outer lip skin may occur. The reason for this is the decrease in the volume of the fat tissue in the region. The decrease in adipose tissue causes the outer lips to appear wrinkled, the skin in this area to appear folded, lifeless and old. In outer lip surgery, the regional fat of the person is transferred and the outer lips are made fuller. This operation, in which the patient is sedated, that is, light sleepiness, and the outer lips are anesthetized with local anesthesia, is performed by removing fat from the fat-rich region of the person that resists melting. Fats taken out of the body on average between 50 and 80 milliliters are subjected to some processes. The oils, which are made suitable for transfer, are injected symmetrically and evenly into both big lips. Injection is carried out with special cannulas. After this procedure, which is performed using the person's own body fat in outer lip surgery, large lips look full, aesthetically young, fresh, pink and lively.

Along with the outer lip surgery, the sagging of the inner lips is also done with the inner lip surgery. In inner lip surgery, the small lips are anesthetized. By shortening it so that it does not hang from the outer lips, the inner lip form that looks aesthetically younger is obtained.



Healing process after outer lip aesthetics (Vulvoplasty)
Vulvoplasty surgery takes approximately one hour. Since the operation is not a painful and painful procedure, the healing process is accordingly fast. After plastic surgery to the genital area, the healing process should be very careful. Cleaning this area plays an important role in the healing process. Ice massage is recommended to prevent swelling of the operated area. You can control the healing process of this area by applying the creams given by your doctor regularly. It is recommended to take a shower on the 3rd day after the operation. Since the sutures that dissolve by the body are used in the operation, the patient does not need to come back for dressing.

After the operation, you should stay away from heavy sports for a month, and you should not have sexual intercourse. You may see swelling and bruising in the first days, it is normal. Over time, the edema will pass. At the end of the third month, you can see the results of the plastic surgery on your outer lips.

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